My Birthday Wishlist

1. A working record player (new or antique)
 For a while I've really been wanting a record player for a few reasons:

a) they make really cool decor by adding a vintage sense

b) Music quality, I have really nice (and expensive) speakers (these ones) but no matter how much you pay for speaker vinyl will always have much better sound quality, especially with a good record player.

c) My Record Collection, over the past couple of years I have been buying lots of records and I really would want a place to play them!

I really liked this one from Urban Outfitters:

Crosley Cruiser Briefcase Portable Turntable $98.00

2. The second thing I want is the perks of being a wallflower soundtrack on vinyl. Even if I can't play it it would still be cool to have it especially since it is a limited edition! I own the soundtrack on my iPod and I love the songs, and how they included Charlie's Last Letter because it really completes it. Also the record is such a pretty color!!!

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower - Soundtrack LP


3. Wonderstruck Enchanted or Taylor By Taylor

I have two bottles or Taylor Swift's first perfume, Wonderstruck, but i really really want her second and third. 

Taylor Swift Wonderstruck Gift Set

 4. Clothing

I really love clothes and these are some that i really want:

I love this shirt because it has all of my favorite youtubers on it!

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